Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Latest scan

Just thought I'd pop in with a few quick updates.

I'm now 27+1 weeks - another 6 days and I'll have reached my second "goal" of 28 weeks. I had a scan yesterday and our baby is now a bit over a kilogram in weight, putting him on track to be a nice healthy birth weight if we can keep him in the slow cooker. He's been very active with some creepy alien vs predator kind of movement that you can see protruding from my belly. I think this one is going to keep me busy! The other fantastic news is that my cervix has not changed in length in 2 weeks, so although it's partly dilated, length wise it is still 5mm. This could all change quickly but I am happy to see that for now things have settled.

I asked the doctors about when I may be able to go home. Originally they wanted me to stay here at least until 28 weeks. They've said they want me to stay here for now, but if I behave myself I might be able to go home at 30 weeks - so 3 weeks down, maybe 3 to go! Sensing my immense cabin fever, the doctors have said they'll consider allowing me a "day pass" so I can go out for a few hours for a meal or some sunshine, as long as I stay within a close distance to the hospital and promise to come back if there are any troubles. It would be so nice to get out and have some normality, even if just a few hours and it will be good incentive to not play up and have any little episodes that would put doubt in their minds about letting me out.

After yesterday's good news and with a few visitors to look forward to today, I'm feeling much brighter and hoping for a nice relaxed week.

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